Submit a new buy order.
Cancel all outstanding orders created by all sessions owned by this account.
Cancel a clearing order.
Cancel an order.
Cancel all orders opened by this session.
Confirm a clearing order.
Get details about the specific account requested such as users, country codes, etc.
Get the accounts within the group.
Get all your live orders.
Get the auction events.
Get the available balances in the supported currencies.
Get time-intervaled data for the provided symbol.
Get a clearing order status.
Get current auction information.
Get deposit addresses.
Get a new deposit address.
Get the available balances in the supported currencies as well as in notional USD.
Get the volume in price currency that has been traded across all pairs over a period of 30 days.
Get the current order book.
Get an order status.
Get your past trades.
Get data on balances in the account and linked banks
Get the price feed.
Get extra details about the symbol.
Get all available symbols for trading.
Get the trades that have executed since the specified timestamp.
Get the trade volume for each symbol.
Get deposits and withdrawals in the supported currencies.
Prevent a session from timing out and canceling orders if the require heartbeat flag has been set.
Make an internal transfer between any two exchange accounts within the Group.
Submit a new broker clearing order.
Submit a new clearing order.
Submit a new order.
Submit a new sell order.
Withdraw cryptocurrency funds to a whitelisted address.
Withdraw USD
The SEN Withdrawals API allows you to withdraw USD from your Gemini account via SEN
The add bank API allows for banking information to be sent in via API. However, for the bank to be verified, you must still send in a wire for any amount from the bank account.